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May 22, 2020

Slow Living – The New Luxury

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It seems that a moment of global reflection has arrived in humanity. The truth is that we have all been forced to slow down our usual rhythms for a few weeks while we were at “Lockdown”.

Life seems to have changed, and we are challenged to learn about ourselves and our new reality. Perhaps leading a life with less haste is difficult for the vast majority, but it has a beautiful connotation; discovering the beauty of slowness, leading to the pleasure of enjoyment.

Credits: Photo by Greg Kantra on Unsplash

This philosophy of life is not new, since the “Slow” movement as a cultural stream emerged at the end of the 80s, in Italy. Actually its beginning expanded as a protest against the new culinary era of “Fast Food” – thus the “Slow Food” emerged.

“Slow Food” is based on protecting and defending local food products that are grown sustainably and cooked with time and love. This definition can be extrapolated to the so-called “Slow Life” culture.  Reconnecting with gratitude and time with ourselves and coming back to nature by learning to enjoy life today.

Credits: Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

The Canadian journalist Carl Honoré, is one of the great promoters of the “Slow Life” culture, with his mythical bestseller ” In Praise of Slowness”. Nowadays, this movement translates into a way of life that values the connection between time, space, and quality of experiences challenging the cult of speed in our current society: “Slow Food”, “Slow Cities”, “Slow Fashion” …

“Slow Living” is a way of life that values everyday moments with your loved ones, listening to your favorite music, or reading a good book. This emphasizes the importance of creating a space in which we feel safe, relaxed and that has the ability to renew our energy. A new concept added to the visual importance of interior design. The colors and textures are primordial and are no longer simple adornments.

Credits: Via Pinterest / Kitchen:  Interior Design: Ky Drury – Styling: The Stables – Photography: The Palm Co

This new trend, which is being strongly promoted by several designers and prestigious brands, is based on a lighter and more luminous colour range, on organic tones and materials, and on a refined decoration. But its basis is to create a home where we can feel protected and immersed in our own world, without being influenced by passing trends.

A creative space adapted to each individual and personalized to feel in tune with oneself creating a domestic life that emphasizes “being in the moment” and making space for the things that bring us pleasure and happiness.

And it is precise with this concept in mind that we at bconnected work, individualising each of our projects to create the ideal space for our clients, interpreting their wishes and needs and translating them into the place to call “home” in its broadest sense. It’s about finding the symbiosis between the person and the space in which they develop, an atmosphere connected with oneself, to provide greater peace. Light-filled environments, making use of the right fabrics and materials, with furniture and decoration that support each individual idea of happiness.

Credits: Via Pinterest / Seda y Nacar / Ingredientsldn

Take a look at our Pinterest Board “Slow Deco” for more inspiration and don’t hesitate to contact our bconnected interior design team to help you transform your vision into reality.

And always remember, that happiness is not elsewhere, but in this place, not at another time, but at this very moment, as Walt Whitman quoted.

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